Thursday 27 March 2008


Hello there, and welcome to my blog, which is more like an archived record of my boredom, and a good example of why corporate entities shouldn't allow their employees to freely access the internet.

Below is a series of letters, with a smattering of punctuation. I have carefully arranged them to form some kind of semi-coherent message. Heed these brave characters and salute their..... bravery.

The basic premise of this blog is to get famous companys/games/people who are in some way related to the game industry and then piss about with all the letters in their name until (hopefully) something funny/topical/disgusting comes out the other side.

Since I have a back log of anagrams to post, I will be posting thick and fast at the start, then things will slow down to a sporadic dribble, and eventually everything will come to a grinding halt, nothing will ever be posted on here again, and it will end up floating around on some server taking up space that could be used for something better. This is the life cycle of a blog, and I for one am not about to go messing with the unwritten laws of the interweb by making this one any different.

Bate your breath and await the first of a few anagrams of goodness.

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