Tuesday 16 December 2008

Halt Our Fleet

or Fallout Three.

Lets Quickly review Fallout 3 shall we? On the surface it seems like Bethesda has taken Oblivion, added guns and set Reheat to Full. But dig a bit deeper and its much more than that. The story is quite well written, and if you thought Halo Felt True, you won't be able to Fault the Lore of Fallout 3. It's not perfect, and it's not like my Heart Fell Out with emotion, but it does a decent job. One of the big additions since Oblivion is the new V.A.T.S system (I'm not going to explain what it stands for, this isn't a real review). This makes gunfights simpler, and adds a pinch of tactics to combat, but is based partly on chance, so it is sort of half skill, Half Roulette. There's a lot of scope for moral choices, so you can choose to be the good guy or The Feral Lout who steals things and plants live grenades in peoples pockets for fun. Whilst wandering the wastes you have to scavenge for items like Athlete Flour and do silly missions like creating a cure to Heal Otter Flu or stop an epidemic of Lethal Toe Fur. You can pick up sidekicks who help you out along the way, which helps to relieve the isolation, but if you do let someone tag along you'll be entering an Utter Oaf Hell, since the AI for these NPCs is infuriating at times. Overall I'd give this game one fall out of three*.

*not a real review score.

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